£3,500 Cheque Presentation to Weston Hospicecare

At the AGM of the Isle of Wedmore Bowls Club, President Roger Hughes and Shirley Wederell Chair of Wedmore Friends of Weston Hospicecare presented Julian Hall Director of Fund Raising at Weston Hospice with a cheque for £3,500.  This amount is the combined totals of the Bowls Club fund raising events and the Fashion Show held on April 13th at the Bowls Club staged by the Friends of Weston Hospicecare.

This money will be used towards the purchase of a state-of-the-art stress relieving mattress for the Hospice which be of great benefit to the patients during their end of life care.

Shirley Wederell,
Chair of Wedmore Friends of Weston Hospicecare

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