St John the Baptist Glastonbury

Welcome to St John the Baptist, Glastonbury – November


Sundays: 8:00am Holy Communion, 10:00am Sung Eucharist 3rd, 17th & 24th.

10th  Remembrance Service 11:00am.

Sunday 3rd: Service of LIght 4:00pm.

Tuesdays: Morning Prayer 9:00am.
Holy Communion 10:30am.



10:00am to 12noon Cafe, Community Support Groups, Poetry – lots more.

12noon to 2:00pm Art Therapy.

Thursdays: Free Lunch Time Concert 1:00pm (Donations Appreciated).

Tuesday 5th: Jazz Gig 1:00pm.

Saturday 2nd: 9:30am to 4:30pm Come and Sing – Bob Chilcott and the Swan Singers.

Saturday 23rd: Craft Fair 10:30am to 4:30pm.

Clergy The Revd Kieron Rowley & The Revd Pamela Heazell

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