Portishead Energy Expo

Portishead Energy Expo

On Saturday 2 November, come to the Portishead Energy Expo to get inspiration for living more sustainably. 

CSE and Portishead Town Council have joined forces to host this day-long event highlighting different energy-saving behaviours. Local businesses, experts, and members of the community will come together to offer advice and share their experiences. 

You can speak to an energy advisor or installer, learn about the basics of home improvements, and make a draughtproofing snake! There’ll also be a clothes swap, and local businesses to support, just in time for Christmas gifts. 

Come along on the day, or you can book the following FREE workshops:
🛠️ Home Improvements – The Basics
🌲 How to Help Portishead’s Wildlife
🔎 Sherlock Homes: House Investigation Results


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