Craft Group at Worle Community Centre
Craft Group at Worle Community Centre, Lawrence Road
Dates for November are Sunday 3rd and 17th. Cost is £5, includes refreshments.
Craft Group at Worle Community Centre, Lawrence Road
Dates for November are Sunday 3rd and 17th. Cost is £5, includes refreshments.
Worle Pop up fabric shop The Thursday Girls are holding a pop up shop at Greenways Farm, 2 Lyefield Road, Worle BS22 9NX on Wednesday November 8th, from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Mark Pickles will be bringing lots of lovely cotton fabrics, including Christmas panels, wadding, sewing tools and haberdashery. We’ll be running our coffee shop…
Support for the Bereaved in the Clevedon Area You will receive a warm welcome at both Cruse Bereavement services this month. The Cruse Walk and Talk, an accompanied, planned walk in the area, which takes place on Wednesday 9th October at 10:00am. If you wish to join our friendly group walk for the first time,…
Macular Society Local Group January Meeting – Wednesday 15th The Weston-super-Mare local Macular Society group covering Weston, Clevedon, Winscombe, Burnham and surrounding areas meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month 10:30am to 12:30pm at St Peter’s Church Hall, Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8HG. The group is for anyone affected by central vision loss, AMD wet…
Glastonbury Tor TW – Find out what we get up to! Thursday 11th April, 2:30pm, Glastonbury Town Hall the Guild members will be finding out all about what the various different groups, that are held during the month, have been doing throughout the last year. Some visit exhibitions, visit local theatre productions, have meals out,…
NHS Retirement Fellowship Gordano Branch. The next meeting of the NHSRF is on 18th October. We meet at Somerset Hall from 10:00am until 12 noon. Tea/coffee and biscuits available. We have a speaker and everyone pays £3.00. Come and visit us before committing to join, we are a friendly bunch.
Craft Fair Tor Leisure Centre – Free Parking. The Tor Collective presents a fantastic craft fair, with something for everyone. From cards to candles, art, massage, glass, clothes, and so much more. We also have an onsite bar and outside seating overlooking the playing fields. Location: Tor Leisure Centre, Glastonbury (next to Morrisons). Saturday 29th…