Wells Library Repair Saturdays
Wells Library Repair Saturdays
There will be another Repair Saturday at Wells Library on Saturday 24th February. Bring your items to be repaired from 10:00am.
Email wlslib@somerset.gov.uk for more information.
Somerset Bus Partnership Are You A Happy Bus User? Volunteers needed to help out Twice a year the Local Transport Authority allows bus operators to change timetables, this usually is just before Spring and Autumn schools return from their breaks. We need you to help man stalls handing out paper timetables to those who need…
Repair Saturday at Wells Library Saturday 27th April, 10:00am – 12:30pm. Bring along your item and see if it can be repaired. No need to book, just come along.
Jesmarie’s Painters, Wells – New Autumn term. Jesmarie’s Painters meet in St. Thomas’ Church Hall each Monday from 1:00pm – 5:00pm. This friendly group consists of amateur painters who enjoy the company and advice of the other members. There is no formal tuition, members bring their own work in the medium of their choice. Autumn…
Wells Social Group for the Visually Impaired Meetings are held on the 1st & 3rd Monday of the month at 11:00am. Come along to Wells Library and find out what facilities are available and what the library service can provide. 3rd & 17th March. Email wlslib@somerset.gov.uk for more information.
Thursday 13th April. Hydrangeas with Sally Gregson. 7:30pm at Wells Town Hall, Market Place, BA5 2RB. Visitors and new members always welcome. Entry costs £3 for non-members and £1 for members. Refreshments available www.wellsgarden.club
Neighbourhood Policing – Talk to Us Drop in to Wells Library and speak to a member of Wells City Neighbourhood Policing Team on Tuesday 11th March 11:00am – 12:00pm. If you want to raise a concern about an issue in your community, the Neighbourhood Policing team will be on-hand to help. No need to book…