Burnham-on-Sea Issue

For advertising in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge, LocalReach is a fantastic way to reach all your existing, and potentially new customers. LocalReach is delivered by Royal Mail to all homes & businesses in TA8 & TA9 postcode area every month.

Advertising in Burnham-On-Sea

LocalReach is the only local printed publication delivered by ROYAL MAIL to 15,310 homes and businesses in Burnham & Highbridge to ALL of the TA8 & TA9 postcode area reaching a population of 36,744 people. LocalReach is a fantastic way to reach all your existing and potentially new customers. We pack each issue with interesting articles and local community notices. In fact, we now help over 750+ local clubs, groups, associations, churches and schools A massive 95% of our advertisers rebook every month so we must be doing something right! So, if you are looking for more business then contact us now.

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“A brilliant way to keep in touch
with our local community!”

Burnham and Highbridge Repair Cafe

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