Axbridge Music Matters

Axbridge “Music Matters”

Axbridge “Music Matters” – Singing for Fun and Community.

Celebrate the voice YOU have and join us for an afternoon of song. Open to those living with Dementia, Parkinsons, other brain atrophy or those feeling isolated – along with your partner/carer – you are ALL VERY WELCOME.

Enjoy a drink, a biscuit and chat with others before singing starts. Facilitated by Maureen Campbell a trained Singing-for-the-Brain facilitator and Movement Psychotherapist.

Tel: 01934 852869. Meet alternate Tuesdays, Axbridge Town Hall. Times 2:15pm – 3:45pm. £2 donation welcomed. 

Next sessions: Aug 1st, 15th & 29th. Sept 12th & 26th.

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