Gordano Civic Society

Weston-super-Mare’s Playhouse Theatre comes to Gordano Civic Society

Weston-super-Mare’s Playhouse Theatre comes to Gordano Civic Society Samantha Ball from Weston-super-Mare’s Playhouse Theatre will tell all about its history and celebration (Oh yes she will!) at the Gordano Civic Society meeting on Monday 16th December, 7:30pm at Somerset Hall, The Precinct, Portishead. Entrance is £2 for members and £5 for visitors, although membership for…

Join Our Friendly Parkinson’s Support Group
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NW Somerset Support Group of Parkinson’s UK

NW Somerset Support Group of Parkinson’s UK – Join Our Friendly Parkinson’s Support Group The NW Somerset Support Group of Parkinson’s UK meets on the second Saturday of each month at St Francis Church Hall, Ash Hayes Road, Nailsea, 10:30am – 12:15pm, for an informal coffee morning and sometimes a speaker. Do join us on…

Portishead Cruse

Cruse Bereavement Support in the Portishead Area

Cruse Bereavement Support in the Portishead Area Join the CRUSE bereavement support “Walk and Talk” on Thursday 12th December 10:00am to 12 noon. Guided walk and refreshments in Waitrose cafe afterwards. If joining for first time contact crusebristol@gmail.com with phone contact details and walk leader will get back to you. There will be no CRUSE Drop…

Avon & Somerset Constabulary Male Voice Choir

Avon & Somerset Constabulary Male Voice Choir

Avon & Somerset Constabulary Male Voice Choir Concert, 14th December Portishead Rotary Club are delighted to be hosting the Avon & Somerset Constabulary Male Voice Choir for a Charity Concert on Saturday 14th December at the Methodist Church High Street Portishead. Tickets £13 can be purchased from Hartmann’s Books 28 High street and Nortech Computers…

Bold Brass

PCS Presents Festive Music for Voices, Brass and Organ

PCS Presents Festive Music for Voices, Brass and Organ Portishead Choral Society present “Festive Music for Voice, Brass and Organ” on 7th December in the Methodist Church at 7:30pm and features music by Parry,  Handel, Bruckner,  and Stopford, as well as renaissance music by our brass quintet. After the interval we sing a variety of…

Portishead Freemasons

Portishead Freemason’s Christmas Programme

Portishead Freemason’s Christmas Programme The Masonic lodge for Portishead Masons, Gordano Lodge, are celebrating the festive season with a Christmas lunch and Carols on Saturday 7th December, open to all members and friends, and a Third Degree ceremony on Wednesday 18th December. All freemasons will be welcomed, especially if you have moved into the area,…

Portbury WI – Christmas and into 2025

Portbury WI – Christmas and into 2025

Portbury WI – Christmas and into 2025 Portbury WI will be enjoying their December meeting with musical entertainment and an American Supper. Members will be attending the Avon Federation Carol Service and the Christmas decorations, made at our November meeting, will be decorating the WI Christmas Tree at Portbury Church.    2025 brings new monthly…