Forget-Me-Not Café, Curry Rivel

Forget-Me-Not Café, Curry Rivel

Forget-Me-Not Café, Curry Rivel – Everybody Welcome! The Forget-Me-Not Café is open every Tuesday between 2:30pm and 4:30pm at Curry Rivel Village Hall and everyone is welcome, especially those who may have memory challenges. Join in with activities and games such as skittles, kurling, bingo, dominoes etc. All followed by a friendly chat with tea…

Langport History
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Langport History

Time to discover the history on your doorstep. We organise talks and visits, collect local photographs, research aspects of local history and produce publications of local interest. We can also provide guided history walks around Langport. Our talks are held in the Langport & Huish Sports & Social Club, Eastover, Langport TA10 9RZ, at 7:30pm…