RNLI Winscombe
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RNLI Winscombe & District Branch Reindeer Run

RNLI Winscombe & District Branch Reindeer Run Sunday, 3rd December RNLI Winscombe’s second Reindeer Run will be at 2:00pm on Sunday 3rd December at Winscombe Cricket Club, 31 The Lynch, BS25 1AP. Runners of all standards  welcome for a 2.5 Km Santa Santa Trail (Open to all) Adults £12, Juniors £6, Family £32 (2 Adults,…

Mark Church Christmas Bazaar

Mark Church Christmas Bazaar

Mark Church Christmas Bazaar – 25th November. Mark Church will be holding a Christmas Bazaar in Mark Church Hall, TA9 4NG on Saturday 25th November, 10:00 – 12:00pm. Stalls include – Cards, Preserves, Cakes, Crafts, honey, plus Games, Bottle stall, Raffle etc, etc. Father Christmas will be attending. Contact 01278 641308 or 641225 for more…

Henton and District Gardening Club

Henton and District Gardening Club

Henton and District Gardening Club. Our November meeting on Wednesday 15th promises to be an interesting and thought provoking  talk by members Anthony and Maggie Langdon entitled “Gardens of Remembrance”. Anthony has led many tours of battlefields across Europe on behalf of the British Legion and Maggie has accompanied him making a photographic record as…

Wells Garden Club

Wells Garden Club

Wells Garden Club – Unique gardening in a limited space. ‘The Making of a City Garden’ with Matthew Symonds. Thursday 9th November, 7:30pm at Wells Town Hall, Market Place, BA5 2RB. Visitors and new members always welcome. Entry costs £3 for non-members and £1 for members. Refreshments available. www.wellsgarden.club