
I call them weeds!

Wednesday 19th April. Steve Fry of the Sherborne Castle Garden Centre will give an illustrated talk on “Slightly Naughty Plants” – Intrigued? Then join us in Henton Village Hall at 7.00pm for coffee and 7.30 start. Plant sales, raffle and a chance to find out if you have any rogues in your garden which you…

Royal Air Forces Association

Royal Air Forces Association Mid-Somerset Branch – April Meeting

Tuesday 18th April. The April Meeting will be a Branch Visit to Boscombe Down Aviation Museum, Old Sarum Airfield, at 10:00 am on Tuesday 18th April followed by a “Pub Lunch” at the “Old Castle” Harvester Inn, Old Castle Road, Salisbury. All events are open to Branch Members, RAFA Members from other Branches, Current and…

Easter Services in Coxley with Godney, Henton and Wookey!

Easter Services in Coxley with Godney, Henton and Wookey!

Maundy Thursday (6th April), Good Friday (7th April) & Easter Sunday (9th April). On Easter Sunday (9th April) we’ll have All-Ages Holy Communion services in Christ Church Henton at 9am, and Christ Church Coxley and St Matthew’s Wookey at 10:30am. Join us in Wookey for a reflective Tenabrae service at 7pm on Maundy Thursday (6th…

Easter Family Holiday Activities

Easter Family Holiday Activities at Wells Cathedral

Tuesday 4th April, Wednesday 5th April & Thursday 6th April. Come and celebrate new life with these Easter themed craft activities! Tuesday 4th April – Build a Bird’s Nest. Wednesday 5th April – Follow our Easter story trail then create an Easter Garden. Thursday 6th April – Hunt for beads then make a cross necklace….

Wells Labour Coffee Morning – A History of Wells Railways

Wells Labour Coffee Morning – A History of Wells Railways

Saturday 1st April, 10am – 12 noon at the Portway Annexe, Portway Avenue, Wells, BA5 2QF. A Brief Illustrated History of the Railways in Wells: with a timeline of how they started, developed, and grew, to nationalisation, privatisation, and where we are now. Presented by Colin Price, Labour City Councillor for 20 years, Mayor in…

jumble sale

Do you enjoy rummaging?

Saturday 1st April. There will be a jumble sale at Wells Methodist Church, Southover (BA5 1UG) on Saturday 1st April from 10-12. Good-as-new clothing, toys, bric-a-brac, books…and of course refreshments will be available. Proceeds will be shared between the church and Medicine sans Frontier. Further information from 01749 937487.

Singing for the Brain

Singing for the Brain – making memories, building community

Singing for the Brain is a joyful and uplifting inclusive music-making group open to all! People living with dementia, Parkinson’s and memory problems (and their carers) particularly benefit from our wonderful sessions. “It’s so uplifting! I really enjoy playing the different instruments and singing together is just so joyful!” (Client living with dementia). “I’ve made…