Do you want to make new friends age 60+ at smaller gatherings of people?

Do you want to make new friends age 60+ at smaller gatherings of people?

Weston 60+ singles meetup holds events for no more than 6-8 people each time, so you can talk to everyone and get to know them. Our events include a regular quiz, restaurant/pub meals, and general evening get-togethers for a drink and chat. We’re a new group started Feb 2024 and need new members.


All Saints’ Church Concerts

What a treat! On Friday 12th April at 7:30pm the ladies choir, Vocalise, directed by Ann Clewlow joins forces with the Maesteg Gleemen to present an evening of glorious harmony singing. Tickets from the Vocalise website.

And on Saturday 20th April at 3:00pm – 4:00pm we have an exciting FREE entry concert featuring Dave James and his saxophone quartet, playing a huge variety of music for your delight. Retiring collection and a great raffle! Tea and biscuits afterwards.

All Saints’ Church, BS23 2NL. See you there!

An Heraldic and Genealogy Journey

Weston-s-Mare & District Family History Society

Join Weston-s-Mare & District Family History Society at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, Baytree Road, W-s-M on Wednesday 10th April for a very interesting talk about Heraldry and Genealogy. After the talk there will be a Family History and DNA question and answer session. Members £1.50, guests £2.00 including free refreshments.

Weston-super-Mare Music Appreciation Society

Weston-Super Mare Music Appreciation Society

Weston-Super Mare Music Appreciation Society – Our 45th Anniversary Year!
Our next meetings are: April 10th (AGM), April 24th, May 8th & 22nd. From 2:15pm for a 2:30pm start with tea/coffee provided during the break. We have presentations given by professional speakers and our own members. Come and join a friendly group of people with a shared interest in a wide range of recorded music.
We meet at Milton Methodist Church, 2 Milton Hill, Weston-Super-Mare BS22 9RA. (The hall is behind the church).

Pop up fabric shop

Pop up Fabric Shop

There will be a pop up fabric shop at Greenways Farm, 2 Lyefield Road, Worle BS22 9NX, on Wednesday 10th April from 10:00am to 3:00pm when Mark Pickles will be bringing lots of lovely quilting cottons, wadding and haberdashery. We’ll also be running our coffee shop, with coffee, homemade cakes and light lunches, in aid of our charity, Blood Bikers.


Vocalise and the Maesteg Gleemen in concert

Welsh male voice choir The Maesteg Gleemen (winners of the 1996 National Eisteddfod of Wales) is coming to Weston to present a joint concert with Weston’s own award-winning ladies choir, Vocalise. To be held in arguably the best concert venue in Weston, All Saints Church, this will be an evening of superb singing, with an eclectic range of songs, and a sprinkling of comedy. Not to be missed!

coffee morning

Saturday Coffee Morning

You will be sure of a warm welcome at our Saturday coffee morning in our old and beautiful church hall in the centre of town – Emmanuel Church, Oxford Street, held on the first Saturday of the month – the next one on April 6th. 

People of all ages and walks of life can come together for a meet-up of friends and to make new friends, from 10:30am until 12:00 noon. 

There will be lovely homemade cakes available and a sale of other goodies including books.