Forget-Me-Not Café, Curry Rivel

Forget-Me-Not Café, Curry Rivel

Forget-Me-Not Café, Curry Rivel – Everybody Welcome! The Forget-Me-Not Café is open every Tuesday between 2:30pm and 4:30pm at Curry Rivel Village Hall and everyone is welcome, especially those who may have memory challenges. Join in with activities and games such as skittles, kurling, bingo, dominoes etc. All followed by a friendly chat with tea…

Junior Prom Race

Junior Prom Race

Junior Prom Race – fun races for children aged 4-16. If your child loves to run, come and join us for timed 1-mile races on Weston Prom. The first race of the series is on Thursday 5th October. There are 8 other races between October and May. Full details on the website. £2/race or £10…

Autumn Craft Fair

Autumn Craft Fayre

Autumn Craft Fayre. Saturday 14th October, 2:00pm – 4:00pm 1st Ashcombe (Weston-super-Mare) Scout Group are holding our Craft Fayre on Saturday 14th October 2:00pm – 4:00pm. Admission price 50p adult, 20p children at St Peter’s Church Hall, Baytree Road Milton, BS22 8HG.  We will have a variety of stalls including: • ZJ Miniatures (dollhouse furniture…


Vocalise-Lite – The sociable afternoon no-pressure choir for ladies. If you love to sing and make friends, but don’t want to go out at night, Vocalise-Lite is for you. No experience needed – no auditions – no pressure to memorise or perform if you don’t want to. Thursdays 1:15pm – 2:45pm Our Lady of Lourdes…


Vocalise – the no-audition award-winning ladies choir

Vocalise – the no-audition award-winning ladies choir. How do we get to be award-winning when we have so much fun? Come and find out for yourself! If you love singing come and try us for free. No experience needed. We’re more than a choir – we’re family. Mondays 7:30pm – 9.30pm at St George’s Community…

Monday Club

Weston Monday Club

Weston Monday Club – Another interesting talk arranged by the Monday Club. A representative from the RNLI is coming along at 2:00pm on Monday 11th September, our next meeting date, to talk about their work.  Our meetings are normally held on the second Monday of each month and we aim to include an interesting speaker…