All Saints Church in Weston Celebrates it’s Patronal Festival

All Saints Church in Weston Celebrates it’s Patronal Festival

All Saints Church in Weston Celebrates it’s Patronal Festival

Friday 1st November, 7:00pm: All Saints day Solemn mass sung by Costanzi Consort followed by Cheese and Wine in the hall. Setting-Palestrina.

Saturday 2nd November, 10:30am: All Souls Day Solemn Requiem sung by Harmonia Sacra, Setting-Victoria.

Sunday 3rd November, 11:00am: Solemn Pontifical mass Celebrant the Right Reverend Michael Langrish followed by Bring and Share Lunch in the hall, then Evensong with Benediction at 2:30pm.


Read Easy North Somerset

1 in 14 adults in Weston struggle with reading, and that makes their lives very hard. Read Easy North Somerset provides free, one-to-one reading coaching, but many adults need encouragement to come forward for help.
The group’s volunteer Referrals Networkers work with people, charities and other agencies who can help reach out to adults who cannot read. They form a link with the community and help to bring in the people who want to learn. They urgently need a Networker to cover Weston-super-Mare, to join a friendly professional team.

Friends of the PLayhouse

The Friends Of The Playhouse November Events

The Friends Of The Playhouse host their Saturday Coffee Mornings, 10:00am – 11:30am at the High Street Theatre. Hot Drinks and Biscuits on sale. The mornings are open to members and non members.

Saturday 2nd November: The monthly raffle to win 2 tickets to a show at the theatre (subject to availability and to be taken within 3 months ) plus other lovely  prizes.

Saturday 16th November: General Knowledge Quiz Only £1 per person to enter.

Saturday 30th November: Grand Christmas Raffle. Some Super Prizes to be won!!

Singing for Fun and Friendship in Weston-super-Mare

Singing for Fun and Friendship in Weston-super-Mare

We are a friendly group, meeting for the simple love of singing. No musical ability whatever is required – but a sense of humour is always good! The words are on a screen, music from the computer. No membership fees, just a donation of £2 towards hire of the hall and refreshments.
We meet at 2:00pm on alternate Mondays at St Peters Church (in St Judes Hall) Baytree Road.  Dates to year end are 28th October, 11th & 25th November, 2nd and 16th December.

Weston-super-Mare Flower Club

Flower Arranging Demonstration in Weston

Enjoy an afternoon watching flower arranging demonstrations and make new friends. Arrangements are raffled off at the end of the afternoon.

Monday 28th October, 2:00pm for 2:30pm start. Entry £7. Raffle tickets £1 a strip. Tea/Coffee and biscuits £1.

St George’s Community Centre, Willow Close BS22 7XF.

We meet on the4th Monday of the month except August & December.

Fibromyalgia Support Group

Fibromyalgia Support Group Weston

We are a group of people who are living with Fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions who meet regularly to support each other. We meet on the third Monday every month plus for coffee in Nuffield Health (Weston) on Thursday mornings. Meetings are a mix of speakers, chat and information. We have a weekly hydrotherapy group and organize trips and meals out plus interest groups as required.

Weston Woodturning

Come and learn to Woodturn in Weston

We are Weston Woodturning Circle and we meet at the Football Club in Winterstoke Road, BS24 9AA every 3rd Thursday of the month from 7:00pm until 9:30pm. We are a very friendly club and welcome all new visitors to come and take a look at Woodturning, maybe for the first time. Once a member we offer free lessons and the free hire of some equipment.

Weston-super-Mare Macular Society
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Weston-super-Mare Macular Society

Weston-super-Mare Macular Society group meeting 16th October The Weston-super-Mare Macular Society local group covering Weston Clevedon, Winscombe and surrounding areas meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month 10:30am to 12:30pm at St Peter’s Church Hall, Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8HG. The meetings are for anyone affected by central vision loss AMD wet or dry….

Weston-super-Mare local Macular Society group

Weston super Mare Macular Society Group

The Weston-super-Mare Macular Society local group covering Weston, Clevedon, Winscombe and surrounding areas meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10:30am to 12:30pm at St Peter’s Church Hall, Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8HG. The meetings are for anyone affected by central vision loss AMD wet or dry. Come along to socialise, share experiences, swap strategies. There are talks by professionals offering advice on appliances to help, by useful organisations such as Vision North Somerset. Friends and carers most welcome. Cost £3.