Clevedon Gardeners’ Club

Clevedon Gardener’s Club

Clevedon Gardener’s Club

We are keen gardeners who meet for a varied series of talks with an annual spring flower show and visits to interesting gardens by car and coach. Members open their private gardens during the summer with refreshments and plant sales. Members are also entitled to discount at local nurseries and on seeds ordered through the club.

Meetings usually take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month commencing 4th September with Claire Hart on Plants for Problem areas at Kenn Road Methodist Church Hall, Kenn Road, Clevedon BS21 6LH (access from Halswell Road).

Refreshments are served at 7:15pm, meeting starts at 7:30pm.

Annual subscription £20 payable in September.

New members and visitors (£3 per meeting) are welcome to come along to any meeting. Further information available on the website.


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