Clevedon Gardeners Club Spring Flower Show
Clevedon Gardeners Club Spring Flower Show
Princes Hall, CCC, Saturday 24th February, 1:00pm – 4:15pm. Entry £1 in advance £1.50 on the door.
Full details on the website
Clevedon Gardeners Club Spring Flower Show
Princes Hall, CCC, Saturday 24th February, 1:00pm – 4:15pm. Entry £1 in advance £1.50 on the door.
Full details on the website
Clevedon Garden Trail Come and enjoy a selection of 12 lovely gardens in Clevedon on Sunday 23rd June, 10:30 – 17:30. The gardens are all within walking distance of each other and feature a collection of front and back gardens showcasing different styles which will appeal to and inspire any visitor. Plants for sale at…
The Thursday Girls are holding a pop up fabric shop on Wednesday 6th November from 10:00am to 3:00pm at Greenways Farm, 2 Lyefield Road, Worle BS22 9NX.
Enjoy coffee, homemade cakes or lunch in our coffee shop – profits in aid of Freewheelers. We will also have a sales table (Christmas gifts?!) and a tombola.
Burnham Christian Fellowship. Enjoy December and Christmas With Us Welcome to December and Christmas, why not come and worship with us? We meet every Sunday morning at 10:30am in the BAY Centre, Cassis Close, Burnham on Sea TA8 1NN. On the 15th December we have a service of favourite carols. Our carol service is on…
Clevedon Pantomine “Jack and the Beanstalk” Clevedon Comedy Theatre Club presents it’s new production: “Jack and the Beanstalk” written by TLC Creative. Like every year, You are in for a treat. An excellent panto providing fun for all ages. Shows: 23rd, 24th and 25th of January (three evenings and only one matinee show). Tickets are…
Banwell Methodist Chapel are having a Coffee Morning/Cake Sale on Saturday 28th September, 10:00am – 12 noon at Banwell Bowling Club. Raising funds for the Rotary Shoe Box Appeal.
The Tuesday coffee mornings at Milton Methodist Church continue on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, between 10:00am and 12 noon, and will be on the 12th and 26th in November. Everyone is welcome to call in for coffee or tea, homemade cake(s), and a chat with friends old or new.