Draycott Memorial Hall Whist Drive
Whist Drive, every Monday Night at Draycott Memorial Hall, 7:30pm start. For further details call Lance 01934 782711.
Draycott Memorial Hall Whist Drive
Whist Drive, every Monday Night at Draycott Memorial Hall, 7:30pm start. For further details call Lance 01934 782711.
Old Station, Winscombe – Millennium Green Jumble Sale 2:00pm, Saturday 24th February at Winscombe Community Centre, BS25 1JA. Please support this fundraising event for the Millennium Green community site. Anything saleable, including white elephant, books, toys and bric-a-brac to cakes and produce appreciated. Items can be dropped at the Centre between 9:30am and 12:00pm on…
Axbridge ‘Music Matters’. “Music Matters” – Singing for Fun and Community – Axbridge. Celebrate the voice YOU have and join us for an afternoon of song. Open to those living with Dementia, Parkinsons, other brain atrophy or those feeling isolated – along with your partner/carer – you are ALL VERY WELCOME. Enjoy a drink, a…
Perfect respite care for carers or companionship for lone people. Dementia care. Entertainment. Games. Newspapers. Day centre every Tuesday in Milton. 10:00am – 1:30pm.
Looking for a new fun social activity? Why not join our club for a friendly game of short mat bowls. Newcomers of all ages are welcomed, whether you are experienced or a beginner looking to try something different. We meet at St Andrews Church Hall, Mondays 6:45pm to 9:00pm and Fridays 9:45am to 12:00pm, all year round. Each session costs £4 including refreshments with a chinwag thrown in and your first three sessions will be free of charge.
What Can Street Library Do For You? In addition to a wonderful selection of books, Street Library has a lot to offer. We provide public computers, a printing and photocopying service, newspapers and magazines. We host lots of events – Rhyme Time, Nintendo Switch Club, LEGO Club, Poetry Group, children’s craft events, author talks for…
Follow On is a respite group for Carers who have cared for someone who has been touched by a terminal illness.
We have talks, quizzes, topical conversations, day trips, we all have a common denominator that is we cared for someone.
The kettle is always on, we meet twice a month on Friday mornings at The Coach House, Locking. We will be resuming on Friday 12th January 10:00am to 12 noon.