Martial Arts Training
Martial Arts Training.
Feeling stressed, unfit, lacking confidence, want to be able to defend yourself? Then try Karate…ideal for families, children over 5.
Every Tuesday 7:00pm – 9:00pm at Long Sutton Village Hall.
Learn a Traditional Martial Art plus Self Defence Lacking confidence? Unfit? Want to be able to defend yourself and your loved ones? Then you should try Ryukyu Karate, suitable for everyone over the age of Five. Karate lessons every Tuesday: Children 7:00pm to 8:00pm, Adults 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Ladies self defence 8:00pm to 9:00pm. Long Sutton…
Fun and laughter with the u3a Somerton u3a is a thriving organisation with over 400 members and 50 interest groups. A monthly coffee morning is held on the 4th Friday of the month at the Edgar Hall when there is an invited speaker and an opportunity to socialise over coffee and biscuits. There are a…
Short Mat Bowls Club needs new members. Come and join us on Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00pm. We are in need of new members to join our club, enjoy a friendly game of bowls in the lovely hall at Hambridge. We play bowls and enjoy a sociable chat and a cup of tea. Just…
Pilates & Dance Classes for the over 60s Weekly Pilates and Dance classes aimed predominantly at the Over 60s but open to anyone looking for a gentle, low impact way to improve their mobility, flexibility, strength, co-ordination and general well-being. Welcoming, relaxed classes for all ages. Pilates, Barton St David: Mondays 1.45pm, Wednesday 7pm, Fridays…
Fun for All at Forget-Me-Not Memory Cafe, Curry Rivel The Forget-Me-Not Memory Cafe is open every Tuesday at Curry Rivel Village Hall from 2:30pm until 4:30pm and welcomes everyone, especially those with memory challenges. Spend time with friends old and new taking part in a few gentle activities for mind and body. Enjoy a…
The Forget-Me-Not Memory Café – Langport and Somerton The Forget-Me-Not Memory Cafe is open every Tuesday at Curry Rivel Village Hall from 2.30pm until 4.30pm and welcomes everyone especially those with memory challenges. Spend time with friends old and new taking part in one of the many activities such as kurling, skittles, dominoes and…