St John the Baptist, Glastonbury
St John the Baptist, Glastonbury.
Join us for Services and Special events in September.
Sunday Services – Holy Communion 8:00am.
3rd, 10th, 17th September: Communion 10:00am. (Sung service) 24th September: – Mayors Service 11:00am.
3rd September: Choral Evensong – 4:00pm.
10th September: Come and Sing Choral Evensong Service 4:00pm. Rehearsal 1:00pm.
Full infomation and booking at RSCM
CONCERTS all at 1:00pm.
Tuesday 5th September: Jazz Concert and each Thursday free Concert.
Saturday 16th September: Rose Concert 7:00pm. £12 (tickets from “Speaking Tree”).
Each Saturday HeBrews Cafe 10:00am to 12noon.
Full details for all services and events available on Church website.