Cheddar Vale Lions

Tree Of Light – Service to the Community

Tree Of Light – Service to the Community

Cheddar Vale Lions Club will be launching the annual TREE OF LIGHT at the beginning of November. The Tree of Light gives members of the local community the chance to sponsor a light in memory of a loved one. The project is in its twelfth year and has been well supported. Donations can be made via our website by downloading a form or by request via email. 

The dedication service and lighting ceremony will take place at the Bath Arms on Monday 9th December, from 4:30pm. The names of those remembered will be placed on a board beside the large outdoor Christmas Tree. A replica tree, hung with stars depicting the names of all those dedicated during the service, will be displayed in the window of Woodbury Insurance, opposite the Bath Arms. 

Tree of Light will be a public service that sponsors, friends and family can attend. The dedication will be live streamed and available online via Facebook. All sponsors receive a Memory card bearing the name/s of their loved ones. 

The Cheddar Vale Lions Club meets on 2nd Thursday of each month at the Our Lady Queen of Apostles Catholic Church Meeting Room, Tweentown, Cheddar, BS27 3HU. 

For more information or to get involved with the Cheddar Vale Lions Club, please contact Lion Secretary Sylvia Cook  via email: or website:

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