
Walking Cricket hub at Strode Leisure Centre

Somerset Cricket Foundation have a Walking Cricket Group at the Strode Leisure Centre.

The Foundation has seven hubs across the county under its Community Engagement Programme. See our website for further information.

Walking Cricket – Somerset Cricket Foundation Mustafa Shaikh, Coach and Community Activation Officer, says… “Walking cricket is not just about cricket – we see it as a wellbeing health initiative which has significant impact on people’s lives. We want it to become a real feature of the community, it’s open to everyone with and without cricket experience. The Strode hub is a friendly, sociable group run by some wonderful volunteers and your first taster session is free of charge.”

The benefits of walking cricket include:

  • Getting people more active and improving fitness.
  • Supporting recovery and rehabilitation after injury or operation.
  • Improving social wellbeing – meeting new friends.
  • Improving emotional and mental wellbeing.
  • Reminiscing about a sport you played in the past.
  • Learning a new physical skill.
  • Being part of a new team.

If anyone is keen to get involved, they can contact Mustafa for further information – email mustafa.shaikh@somersetcricketfoundation.org or contact him at the Somerset Cricket Foundation at The Cooper’s Associates County Ground Office on 01823 352266 or 07383090144.

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