Weston Rotary Christmas Charities Fayre
Weston Rotary Christmas Charities Fayre
Free admission, Saturday 9th November at The Sovereign, Weston-super-Mare from 10:00am.
Weston Rotary Christmas Charities Fayre
Free admission, Saturday 9th November at The Sovereign, Weston-super-Mare from 10:00am.
Big Worle. Your Friendly Local Hub! Big Worle are a local community organisation looking to their community for input regarding what they would like to see more of, get involved with or support. Please do get in touch if you have any priorities on a personal or wider community level; Big Worle would love to…
B&HCS will be singing John Rutter’s Magnificat and many more familiar Christmas songs. Burnham and Highbridge Band will be joining the choir, who will be playing before and during the performance.
The Concert is being held at the Church of Our Lady and English Martyrs, Highbridge Road, Burnham, Thursday 12th December starting at 7:30pm.
Weston Tuesday Retirement Group. First Tuesday In The Month, 10:30am – 12:00pm. Our group is open to all so come along to see what’s on offer – you’ll be made very welcome!
Portishead Senior Forum. Folk Hall. Television Tales Portishead Senior Forum, Wednesday 17th July at the Folk Hall, Portishead. We start with a 30-minute short talk, followed by the raffle and tea break. Our main talk is by Tim Hooper, who will regale us with stories from his work as a Television extra. This is certain…
Members wanted: Hard of Hearing Social Club We are looking for members to join our hard of hearing social group. We meet once a month, usually the first Monday of the month at Vision North Somerset, Neva Road, WsM. 2:00pm – 4:00pm. Socialise, make friends, attend day trips and activities. We are a fully inclusive…
Free Event in Street Community Library On Thursday 18th May at 5:30pm, the Friends of Street Library invite you to Street Library, Leigh Road, Street to hear author Louise Douglas talk about her books. Louise writes contemporary Gothic novels inspired by the Mendip landscape. Places are limited so be sure to book early. Check out…