Worle History

Worle History Society

Worle History Society

Worle History Society would like to invite you to their monthly talks at Worle Community Centre, Lawrence Road, Worle, BS22 6TU. Entry is £2 for members and £3 for non-members. The meetings start at 7:00pm on the first Thursday of the month. For further information please call or message 07796 270721 or visit our website: www.worlehistorysociety.net

Thursday 3rd October – “A Ramble around the Roads” by our member Barrie Underwood.

Thursday 7th November – Our Chair Dave Hart presents the “Round About” articles written by former Weston Mercury editor John Bailey.

Thursday 5th December – Our Annual Christmas Quiz with a sprinkling of local questions, a game of Bingo using playing cards and light refreshments.

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